Thursday, August 30, 2012

Project World on PMChat radio

I've written here before about participating in the weekly twitter chat #pmchat, and we were pleased to recently participate in their one year anniversary celebration the #PMChat Olympics. In case you missed it, you can catch me talking about the 2012 event and some of our exciting speakers on the on-demand radio show here:

Listen to internet radio with KellyProjectSolutions on Blog Talk Radio

The free PW&WCBA pass has now been given away, but you can still save 20% off the cost of the event. Check out the details on the PMChat blog here. I hope to see some of the #PMChat community at the event!

For more information on the ProjectWorld & World Congress for Business Analysts and to register, visit our webpage.

Michelle LeBlanc is a Social Media Strategist at IIR USA and the voice behind the @Project_World twitter. She may be reached at

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