Friday, August 27, 2010

ProjectNews August Edition: Creating a Rescue Plan in Chile

August Challenge:
Rescuing the Chilean Miners

Each month we will present you with a HOT TOPIC CHALLENGE that will generate real-time discussion within the PW&WCBA community LIVE via the Discussion Module in our LinkedIn Group.

We'd then like YOU (the ProjectNews Community) to talk about, criticize, share and develop suggestions and improvements with your peers based on each monthly challenge. If you are interested in participating or would just like to hear what others are saying - join the conversation.

August Challenge:
How will Chile's national copper company, Corporación Nacional del Cobre, work to remove the 33 trapped miners from the mine?

Chilean government civil-defense and mining specialists, other government officials, Corporación Nacional del Cobre, Cia. Minera San Esteban Primera (the mine operator), rescue workers, drilling engineers

Topic for Discussion:
33 miners, trapped a half a mile underground in a San José mine since August 5, are still alive and currently waiting to be rescued. They are currently communicating and receiving nourishment through two holes drilled by rescuers. The miners themselves seem to be in good health and have hope to be extracted. The rescue effort is an ongoing process and is expected to last months.

There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration before attempting to extract the workers from the mine. Because the mine is an unstable environment there are far more risks that need to be analyzed and execution of this project must be done carefully to have all the men removed safely. Project factors that need to be evaluated include equipment to be used by rescuers, conditions of the mine, safety and health of the trapped miners and the rescue workers.

For the full story on the trapped miners in Chile, click here.

Now It's Your Turn:
If you were in charge of rescuing a group ,
• What factors would you consider before starting?
• Who would need to be involved in the process?
• How would you organize operation of this project?
• What steps would you take to try and prevent similar accidents from happening in the future?

Now its time for you to join the conversation -
Share your ideas, suggestions and thoughts on our LIVE discussion on LinkedIn.

Conclusions based on the articles, "Chile Prepares for Long Rescue Effort" from The Wall Street Journal..
Your contributions are welcome!
We are always interested in hearing about new best practices, case studies or lessons learned. If you are interested in sharing your story in the next ProjectNews, please submit your ideas here.
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