Monday, September 10, 2012

An Agile Afternoon at #PWWCBA

The first afternoon at ProjectWorld and The World Congress For Business Analysts featured two summits, Innovation in the PMO: What's Next? and Transitioning Practices for Agile Delivery.

Here are some of my key takeaways from "Agile: The Kanban Way" with Gil Irizarry, Program Manager:

To implement Kanban for knowledge workers: start with what you do now, agree to pursue incremental evolutionary change (NOT "revolutionary change") & respect your current process

Kanban is about optimizing the whole & driving waste out of the organization, not necessarily specific activities. To implement, start by visualizing the workflow, limit your WIP & make your process policies explicit: improve collaboratively.

"Whatever you do, ask why?" - In doing this, you can identify your inefficiencies at each step along the way.

From Retrospective: Interactive Session, I'll let our attendees speak for themselves:
Attendees liked:

Teamwork & interactive presentations
Real-world Examples
Meeting each other

Attendees learned:

and attendees longed for:
 Untitled Untitled
 Not everyone was able to make it to the retrospective, what did you like, long for, or learn today?

Michelle LeBlanc is a Social Media Strategist at IIR USA and the voice behind the @Project_World twitter. She may be reached at

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