Monday, November 8, 2010

Susan Block - Agile Requirements

[This article was originally published at You can find them on Twitter at @agilescout]


  • We will learn about Susan's transition from waterfall to Agile as an Agile business analyst
  • Understand the differences for the requirements approach on an Agile project.
  • Integrate best practices on an Agile project.

The Vanguard Group went Agile to shorten implementation cycle and to deliver most valuable features first. Makes sense to us, a great reason to go Agile!

Agile for Vanguard Group is:

"Better, Faster, Cheaper."

As an Agile business analyst, Susan tells us that back in 2007 a enterprise initiative was funded for a multi-year program and went Agile halfway through!

A life before Agile business analysis for many projects looks like:
  • Project Charter
  • Estimate requirements up front
  • Negotiate requirements duration
  • Produce a project plan for requirements phase
  • Conduct requirements sessions
  • Document detailed requirements in templates
  • Go through a change control board for changing requirements
  • Handoff to development team

After transitioning to Agile, Susan's team found that:
  • Processes are responsive to change with iterative planning and smaller units of work.
  • The teams have daily communication
  • The teams are cohesive in that they are committed, accountable, and available
  • During the transition, Susan's team stopped cold turkey their old ways and went Agile. Interesting point here!

Agile at Vanguard has successfully transitioned to Agile over three years and developed Agile training curriculum in-house! This is a great success story!

The biggest takeaway here is that it takes time to transition to Agile, three year transition is not to shabby.

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